SW Customs Chief, Collaborators Pledge More Commitment After Impressive 2023 FCFA 43.24 Billion Revenue

Feb 19, 2024

Chief of Southwest Customs Sector, Mr Nyamsi Mongue Daniel, upbeat that his sector could hit FCFA 50 billion in revenue this 2024

By Francis Tim Mbom

The Chief of the Southwest Customs Sector, Nyamsi Mongue Daniel and his collaborators were all in a happy mood this weekend as they celebrated the 2024 World Customs Day within the Sector.

The Chief of Sector used the celebrations to thank all his collaborators and staff across the region as they ended the year 2023 with an outstanding revenue collected for the state to the tune of FCFA 43.24 billion.

The Chief of Sector was particularly happy with the performance of his collaborators in the different customs units of Tiko, Idenau, Ekok in Mamfe and those at the Head Office Bota because the direct customs duties from imported goods increased from FCFA 5.3 billion in the previous year, 2022 to FCFA 7.5 billion in 2023.

“When we came here in 2020, revenue from direct customs duties was around the neighbourhood of FCFA 2.9 billion. So, if today we have raised close to FCFA 8 billion, then, this shows the resilience of all my collaborators. That is why I had to use this meeting to congratulate all of them for their hard work and to encourage them to do more so that this 2024, we raise even more revenue to enable the Government carry out its projects for the benefit of all Cameroonians.”

The Chief of Sector was speaking after he and his collaborators held their Sector Conference on Friday, February 16. This Sector Conference is usually one of the key gatherings where the Chief and his immediate collaborators meet to review their activities for the year within the sector, share ideas and make commitments for the year at hand.

“The Conference was also an opportunity for me to extend to them the message of appreciation from our bosses, that are the Director of Customs, Edwin Fongod, and the Minister of Finance, Louis Paul Motaze.”

Chief of SW customs Sector (with an orphaned baby on his arm) during visit to Limbe's Save The Children Orphange
Chief of SW customs Sector (with an orphaned baby on his arm) during visit to Limbe’s Save The Children Orphange

The Customs Chief went further to note that the above total Revenue of FCFA 43.24 billion was the highest the Southwest Sector has raised for the last six years.

It is worthy to note that the high level of insecurity in the Northwest and Southwest regions as a result of the socio-political crisis had significantly reduced business activities from which the Customs Sector depends on to raise revenue for the state.

“This increase is an indication that economic activities are increasingly coming back to normal operations again and the Southwest Customs’ Sector is leaving no stone unturned.”

He also used the occasion to thank the business operators for all their collaboration and understanding and pledged that he and his collaborators will continue, this 2024, to work in a spirit of collaboration and understanding for a win-win future.

The Head of the Customs Unit at the Ikok High Class Customs House in Mamfe, Eddia Njenge Athanasius, had this to say:

“We want to thank our Chief of Sector, Mr Mongue Daniel Nyamsi who has been very supportive and encouraging. There have been moments where I had to reach him to ask for directives and he has always been there to answer our difficulties. I also want to thank our Director of Customs and the Minister of Finance.”

During the celebrations of the World Customs Day in Yaounde, the Head of the Idenau Unit, Palle George Enongene, on behalf of his Unit, was awarded a certificate of best performance by the Customs Director in Yaounde.

“The exceptional results we realized at Idenau in 2023 were something that has never happened before. We want to thank those who do business with us because without them we cannot succeed. For this year, 2024, we will want to do even more than what we realized in 2023.”

The Head of the Tiko Customs House, Asah Stanley and the Chief of Litigation, Ngoume Jean De Dieu were all so motivated as they expressed their own commitments to ensure that the SW Customs succeeds even better in 2024.

SDO Commends The Chief, His Collaborators

The Celebrations that began on Thursday, February 15, with a meeting with retired Customs officers plus widows of deceased officers and later with a visit and offer of assistance to a Limbe Orphanage, ended up on Friday, February 16, with the Sector Conference, followed by a football match and an evening gathering that was chaired by the new SDO of Fako, Viang Mekala.

“I want to congratulate you for all your performances in 2023. As you said that you had gone from FCFA 20 billion to 43 billion, I am sure that we will soon be celebrating the 50th billion,” the SDO said.

Chief of Sector and his collaborators brainstorming during a February 16 Sector Conference as they celebrated the 2024 World Customs Day
Chief of Sector and his collaborators brainstorming during a February 16 Sector Conference as they celebrated the 2024 World Customs Day

He also congratulated the Fako Divisional Transporters and Clearing and Forwarding Agents Union who were recognized in Yaoundé during the Customs Day Celebrations as the best transporters Union in the Country.

Their President, Tambo Martin had this to say: “We had a prize of excellence in Yaounde that was given to us by the Minister of Finance because we have gone a long way as far as clearing goods from the Bota, Tiko and Idenau Ports is concerned.”