SW Customs Boss Brings Smiles To Retired Officers And Orphans

Feb 16, 2024

SW Customs Chief of Sector (with one of the orphaned kids at hand) in a group pic with his collaborators and children at the Limbe Orphanage

By Francis Tim Mbom

Retired customs officers of the Southwest Customs Sector alongside the widows of other retiree officers were all in smiles on Thursday, February 15.
The well over 20 retiree customs officers and widows said they were filled with joy because, as part of the celebrations to mark the World Customs Day in the Southwest, the Chief of Sector, Mongue Nyamsi Daniel, invited them for a come together at the Southwest Customs Sector Office, at Bota.

Chief of Sector (L) supervising the offer of Customs assistance to the Save the Children Alliance Orphanage, Limbe
Chief of Sector (L) supervising the offer of Customs assistance to the Save the Children Alliance Orphanage, Limbe

They said this was the very first time they were getting such an honour after having served and retired from the customs service.

The over 20 retired officers and widows of retired colleagues were all in smiles after meeting with the Chief of Sector and customs officers still in service.
The Chief of Sector during the rather very convivial gathering told them that he had invited them so that they can come, meet and share some key lessons about their lives as retired state servants so that they, who are still working, can learn from or equally prepare well for their own retirements in future.
The Southwest Chief of Sector said the initiative to bring the retired customs officers closer was to re-establish that link between them and the customs service and to let them know that they have not been forgotten.
This gathering, it should be noted, was part of celebrations to mark this year’s International Customs Day at the level of the Southwest Customs Sector.
The International Customs Day is celebrated every year on January 26 and celebrations in Cameroon already took place at the national level.
“We are very happy. We want to thank the Chief of Sector because he is the first Chief of Sector who has received retired customs officers and the widows of the others who have already passed on,” Ngwe Elisabeth, a retired customs officers said.

Chief of SW Customs Sector in a group picture with retired customs officers and widows
Chief of SW Customs Sector in a group picture with retired customs officers and widows

The President of the Retirees, Henry Melo Forchu had this to add: “I will have to thank the Chief of Sector, Mr Mongue for having thought of us the retired officers and for his initiative to bring us back on board…He has showed us a lot of kindness and you can see the gifts that he has given to us.”
During the over one hour reunion with the retirees, they shared with the officers at the SW Sector some words of advise and how best they can prepare for a happy retirement.
“One key aspect you mustn’t forget is that, as a customs officers, you have to be hardworking, dedicated, humble, disciplined and respect your bosses…Know that you don’t prepare for your retirement towards the end of your career but on the very first day that you start work.”
Others cautioned that as a customs officer, they should strive to buy a plot and build a house that will serve as their shelter when they get retired. Others added that, those who couples, should strive to keep their marriages intact as they will seriously need their partners when they finally retire.
“It’s very painful to retire and worst if you retire into a life of separation with your spouse. Then, you will have to learn how to start preparing your own meals and carry out other chores on your own,” they advised.
The Chief of Sector and his collaborators sounded very appreciative for all the advices that they had been fed with by their retired colleagues.
“We are so glad that you have given us very positive and valuable ideas. We thank you all.”
The Chief of Sector crowned the meeting with the offer of some gifts to each of the retiree or widow. He also gave them a token envelope which he said it was to assist those who were sick or not that well.
The Chief of Sector and his collaborators wrapped this first day of celebrations at the level of the Sector with a visit to the Save The Children Alliance Orphanage.
Here they offered a consignment of food items, detergents, toiletries among others.
Nkwelle Jerry Ewang, who received the Chief and his collaborators on behalf of the Orphanage, expressed immense thanks for the Customs offer.
“We are grateful today that the Southwest Customs Department in Limbe has visited us and brought us so much food, detergents, especially the powder soap which the children were already lacking. So we thank God for them.”
The Coordinator said the Orphanage was made up of 17 children, 15 of whom go to different schools at the care of the Orphanage. Of the 15, eight are boys and seven females.
It’s worth noting that as part of its Corporate social responsibility, this was the second time that the Chief of Sector and his collaborators were visiting this Orphanage to assist these kids.