Confronting Challenging Times

Mar 11, 2024

By Richard Pekassa

Anglophone separatists are confronting increased infiltrations by individuals believed to be Cameroonian military intelligence agents, a development that has led to significant battlefield setbacks, sources have disclosed. Despite these challenges, separatist sources expressed determination to bolster their defences against such breaches.

Confidential sources within the separatist movement told The Post that fighters had recently lost many key commanders and rank-and-file colleagues due to information leaked by these infiltrators to Cameroonian military intelligence. The sources, who opted to remain anonymous for security reasons, said they have evidence that military intelligence has been recruiting what they referred to as “fake Amba Boys”; double agents masquerading as true believers of their revolution, who join the ranks of the fighters. These individuals are suspected of feeding critical information about fighters’ plans and locations to the military, enabling them to launch targeted attacks against the Amba Boys.

The military’s tactics, according to our sources, extend beyond simply recruiting double agents. They reportedly employ civilians and professional spies to gather intelligence, posing a significant threat to separatist operations. One source described these operatives as “chameleons,” stating, “They [military intelligence] send their agents to mingle among the population, pretending to be civilians visiting friends or family, or on harmless work-related missions. But these chameleons are most dangerous because they are skilled professionals, often trained overseas.” The sources further cited the case of Ekute Marvin Epie, an alleged spy supposedly trained in Europe, who they claim was caught relaying information to military intelligence. However, Mr Ekute was allegedly rescued by the military before interrogation, and the sources said that several other suspicious individuals have been similarly extracted. The Post was unable to independently verify these specific incidents.

Furthermore, the sources highlight psychological warfare as another strategy used by the military. This involves overlooking crimes committed by bandits masquerading as Amba Boys to discredit the separatist movement and erode public support. While these allegations could not be independently verified by The Post, numerous atrocities attributed to Amba Boys have been documented.

Asked why they opted to speak to the media at this time, the sources said they were motivated by their desire to expose the military’s tactics and deter potential traitors. They promised severe consequences for those who betray the movement, refusing to elaborate on the specifics. One source, however, stated ominously, “This is war. It is a matter of life and death. When traitors betray the people’s liberation fighters, they are essentially plotting with the enemy to have them killed. You can imagine the punishment such traitors deserve.”

The sources said the separatist movement has developed strategies to detect and deal with traitors both within and outside their ranks, but did not disclose specifics.